Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bowling Alleys, Hunger Games, and Group Split

Normally I would have written this and posted earlier for all you dear readers who have willingly followed my blog, no matter how boring or unsatisfactory it has been. But alas, time has gotten away from me and so now here I am, updating you all on my glorious adventures from a month and a half ago, trying to catch you all up to date on my adventures since then until now.

The following tale is about three travelers finishing their explorations of England, separating ways and going to Spain, only to meet back up again unexpectedly at the train station back in Morocco (completely true!)

London was an amazing adventure. With so many sites to see and so little time, we definitely made our way around, and with access to the tube, going from one side of the city to the other wasn't hard at all. Which was FABULOUS :) Friday morning we took the bus from Aunt Soukaina's house to Victoria bus station, where we bought tickets to Bristol as that was where our flight to Spain took off. The bus didn't leave until 2:45pm, so we hung around the bus station for a bit and then rode four hours to Bristol. We sat in a convention center listening to live music and trying to figure out where to stay and what to do. Maiya really wanted to see The Hunger Games movie, so we decided to make our way in the direction of the movie theater and hopefully find a hostel on the way. However, our traversing the city didn't work out quite as well as we wanted it to. We ended up heading in the opposite direction than we wanted to, which actually worked out to our benefit as we ran into Antonio (This may not be his name..), a Spaniard from Cadiz who had moved to Bristol just recently and new of a great hostel for us to stay the night in. He walked us all the way there and made sure we got checked in and settled before taking off again (Whenever you travel, you meet the most amazing people who are so willing to help, it's a wonderful thing to know that there are people in this world that actually care about stranger's well-being). This hostel was pretty great, if I do say so myself. An entire kitchen with the means of cooking your own food, showers, beds, workable toilets, free wi-fi, and a bowling alley in the basement! If you ever travel to Bristol, hit me up so I can tell you to go to this hostel :) After dumping our stuff, we headed over to the mall a couple blocks away to where to movie theater was and got some food and then went to see the movie. It was pretty good, though I hadn't read the books at the time (I've now finished the first one). And it stuck to the story plot, which was great in the fact that most movies based off books leave things out or change around the order of the book to fit the movie better. We got back around midnight and I fell asleep around one, planning to catch the morning bus with Maiya to the airport in order to fly to Spain at 9am. We get to the airport and are headed towards security after a long line of waiting to get our tickets stamped when we see Gabby sitting at the restaurant. She was supposed to fly ahead of us to Spain around 7am. Apparently her sister finally got a hold of her (we were supposed to stay the night with her, but we were not able to reach her at all the day before and so went to the hostel instead). Her sister's mom wanted Gabby to stay another day, and so bought Gabby a ticket back to Morocco on Monday morning. This is where we parted ways: Gabby back to Bristol to stay with her family, Maiya and I flying to Malaga on our return journey to Morocco, taking a detour to Cordoba to spend a couple days with Maiya's Aunt Sara and her wonderful family :)

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